Atlantean Therapy by Claire Gibb
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By Claire Gibb

I wish to let you know that I am not a historian or an expert in ancient civilizations. The description of Atlantis that follows originates from my own personal memories of Atlantis, particular to the energy work I performed, the teachings I held and lived as a priestess of those times. It is not based on historical facts or geographical data. This sharing simply intends on introducing a different perspective and understanding on this lost civilization and on the energy work and ceremonies that were being conducted at that time. It may also complement what many have discovered throughout the years or serve to awaken others’ own memories of what they lived in Atlantis. 


As uncanny as this may sound, I started speaking Atlantean when I was 18. The closest way I could explain this would probably be by comparing it to a channeling process. The Atlantean Language would come to me accompanied by a series of movements and dances, which I later introduced as the Dance of Life.


Throughout the years I suspected that the language was Atlantean. However, my memories of Atlantis and the correlation between the language and this lost civilization did not occur until my late thirties. This discovery took place through a series of dreams and visions that mostly came to me through my dances and during therapy sessions with clients. While giving Atlantean therapy treatments, I would see myself conducting the exact same movements and speaking the same words on a client in a temple of Atlantis. I was able to describe the temple, its treatment room, the celebrations and healing ceremonies. The language brought many clients and practitioners back to this serene place of peace and comfort. So many have recognized the language and have opened themselves to its empowering and healing qualities. Many have also shared with me after their treatment their visions of me working with them in the temples of Atlantis. Their description of the scene (of the room, the clothes, the movements involved during the treatment…) would often fully align with what I myself had seen while giving the treatment.


I remember the treatment room as having a round skylight window in the very centre of the ceiling, just above the client’s table which sat in the centre of the room. This window was made of a stained glass symbol. At the time of the treatment as the sun directly aligned with this window, the symbol would reflect its geometry of colors onto the client’s area. In the centre of the symbol was a clear circle that would allow a beam of light to descend and bathe the client with all of its enriching qualities. The treatments involved initiations and activations aimed at empowering and assisting the client into better understanding themselves.


I remember being part of or leading celebrations (labyrinthes and vortex work), circles and healing ceremonies. They were all conducted in alignment with the sun or with the moon. There were chants and dances involved. I have often sung their folklore in my dances as I experienced the joy and freedom of the celebration. These were held in the centre of town, at the temple which was a tiered structure with a lower level, a centre level and a third level on top. The priestesses worked on the top level and there were three main people holding the energy of the sun/moon to facilitate the ceremonies which were then performed by the remainder of the group.


The Fall of Atlantis


Through my dances I have had recollections of me leaving Atlantis on a boat before its destruction, tormented by the fact that I was leaving family and friends behind and knowing that I would never see them again. I have had recollections with many of my clients. The recollections were very specific to the relationship I had had with them in Atlantis as client, fellow practitioner, friend, or family member. For example, I once recognized a participant in one of my workshops. I looked into her eyes and I knew in that moment that she had been left behind. I could feel the remorse and the pain as the sentence “I will never leave you behind again” resonated in my mind. This has been normal reoccurrence with many of my clients and participants. I now understand that it was beyond my power to help them at the time.


            The reason behind the fall of Atlantis remains vague in my memories. I remember a great involvement and technology with crystals. I was lead to believe through different writings that this technical development was based on power and possibly evil, reinforcing my unexplained fears and discomfort around crystals. I later realized that my lifelong fear of crystals was related to my perception of them, my beliefs and experiences of that lifetime, as the identity Rosana, who witnessed the sinking and disappearance of life as she had always known it. I also discovered that the crystals or the ones empowering them were not responsible for the demise of Atlantis. The programming of crystals was being done out of survival, fear and was greatly misunderstood by the masses. Atlantis was predestined to self-destruct. The involvement of crystals or the masters responsible for their programming may have played a part in its disappearance along with other possible factors such as earthquakes or tsunamis. No one person in Atlantis held the full consciousness and every one of us who had the pleasure of being a part of this great civilization has the opportunity to recognize that we served as identities with a specific, predestined role to play, either in its development or in its destruction. 


Many think that the powerful technology, great teachings and revelations of Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea and perished along with its civilization. All I know and remember is that the people that were saved carried the teachings and were dispersed through the rest of the world. It has been channeled to me (by Patricia Dupuis renowned for her work in Sacred Geometry), that upon leaving Atlantis I relocated in Tihuanaco, Bolivia and was one of the people involved in creating the Sun temple to continue do the work. (Click here for more info) Visions from clients and practitioners include seeing me in Egypt and Peru.



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